Thursday, September 2, 2010

Criteria And The "Punshon Rule"

I have the enviable position of being able to travel a lot.  Nothing exotic, mind you, but it allows me to sample some very tasty grease.

I travel from Antogonish, NS to Long Beach, CA during the course of a calender year.  Since most of this travel is done through driving, stopping off a suitable looking dive is quite easy.

Many of the intial posts will be about places I've been going to for years, with some new ones thrown in.  I will list the address for each, the GPS co-ordinates, number of visits, cost at the time of review, and order.  Taxes will be included.

For the most part, I will stay away from chains.  With 2 exceptions.  When something out of the ordinary happens when I visit a chain restaurant (ask me about the spectacular Big Mac I had in Charlottetown on July 28, 2010), I'll let you in on the 411.  Also, if chains that are foreign to where I live (Southern Ontario).  This is also known as the In 'n Out Burger Rule.  So, you may get a review of The Waffle House, Zaxby's or El Pollo Loco once in a while.

I will try to have either the same thing at each restaurant, unless a specialty is part of the restaurant's lore.  Also, I will order things that are burger at 8 AM, kids!  Which leads me to another point.

The term "greasy spoon" throughout history has referred to breakfasts as well.  They will not escape my perview.  We will see if they rise up to the famed "Punshon Rule"

I know you don't know what that is........but you will!

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